The Offerings

Magic Is Everywhere- Believe.

All The Things We Can Explore Together

  • Distance Quantum Healing

    These beatiful quantum healing sessions allow us to connect with each other no matter how far away we are from eachother in the physical. Uslng quantum energy, my highrr self connects with your higher self. Each session is unique. I recieve messages, downloads, advice to share with you as well as clear and re-energize your energy centers. You will fell lighter, happier and more grounded.

    Some benefits you may receive from these sessions:

    Lessened Anxiety

    Improved Sleep

    Get Visions/Answers from Your Guides

    Increase Your Intuition

    Lightened Spirit

    Relief from Physical Pain

    Increased Speed in Recovery from sickness/injuries

    Stronger Connection to Your Own Galactic Powers

    Assists in Your Ascension

    The awakening of your spiritual gifts

    The session includes a 30 minute clearing/healing and a 30 minute integration session via phone or video directly after the session. You will received typed notes of our time together within 72 hours of our meeting so that you can revisit and expand on the medicine they contain for the months to come. The time slot is for 90 min, which will allow you to block 30 minutes off for yourself after the session.

    To hear the experience of one of my clients, check out this quick video sent me after her session. (Thank you, Michelle)

    AVAILABLE AS SINGLE SESSION $88 USD PACKAGE OF 4 $315 (to be used within 4 months of purchase date)

  • Conscious Integration Conversations

    These integration sessions are to continue to learn and expand from sessions we have done together or you have done with other practcioners.

    After quantum energy session, a plant medicine journey or workshop/retreat often big shifts of consciousness take place and it is helpful to have someone support you through understanding what has just taken place and what your next steps can be to continue to evolve and heal.

    We will work together to identify what is supportive to you and your expansion. We talk about what is on your heart in order to move you closer to your overall happiness. We may consult oracle cards, work with crystals and/or create a specific practice for your continued evolution.

    We can talk about your goals, dreams, the process of ascension, meditating, how to create an altar…or whatever else you are interested in exploring more of.

    Even if you took a journey or workshop with a different practitioner, I can support you in your integration.

    I am grateful to be able to be here to assist in your spiritual expansion with my “clairs” and other tools and technologies.

    I love these sessions so much! With no set format-we trust our guides and let the conversation flow freely. We could talk once or once-in-a-while. Its up to you.

    Over Zoom:

    30 min $44 | 60 min $88 | 90 min $111

    PACKAGE OF 4 (60 min) $315 (to be used within 4 monthsof purchase date)

  • 8 Weeks to Wake Up and Expand Course

    In this 8 week workshop we tap into your unique quantum field and help your spiritual gifts to blossom. We all have gifts- some see energy, some feel energy, some smell energy, some people have all of it! No matter what your gifts are, this process will help you to understand how you can use them and how you express them.

    You are a sovereign being of light and it is your time to shine!

    In this course we will:

    Understand Your Unique Soul’s Mission

    Learn Manifesting Techniques to Super-Charge your Abundance

    Explore and learn quantum energy

    Learn various spiritual tools and techniques from across the globe and across timelines

    Tap into our own inner healer to heal ourselves so we can heal others

    Connect with the energy of the galactic and explore Light Languages

    Work with crystals, tarot, and sacred smokes

    Receive one energy session per week in addition to our calls.

    Classes are one-on-one and are 60 minutes and will be held online.

    8 WEEK SESSION $777

    Payment Plans Available

  • Space Clearings/Blessings

    Moving into a new space? Wanting to lighten the energy of a current space?

    These blessings/clearings are individualized for your needs and purpose. They may bring better luck, more money or sales in your business, lighten the energetic weight of the space, or simply allow you to feel safe in the space.

    Time and investment varies based on the specific needs.

    We’ll first have a phone consultation & an in-person visit(s) prior to the clearing/blessing.

  • Oracle Card Readings

    Sometimes you just need a little guidance..

    Whether you have a burning question or you are just in need of a general peek into your options at this time, these sessions are a wonderful way to gain perspective and tap into the ruling energies of the moment.

    In addition to the reading itself, I may offer follow up tools, rituals, and practices to help get the most out of the messages received from your session.

    These readings are over phone or on zoom and can go up to an hour

    Conducted over Zoom: 60 min $66

  • Customized Retreats & Workshops

    Let’s work together to create a special retreat or workshop for you and your group. The topics and itineraries are vast, but no matter what- they ALWAYS will just make you feel good!

    *Sacred Ceremonies *Women Circles*Meditation Classes*Oracle Workshops*Altar Building*Weekend Gatherings *Flower Essences*Spiritual Expansion Courses

    Time and investment will be based on requested needs.